I certainly am over winter and unless you have an indoor riding arena, it has been difficult to get motivated to ride in the negative temperatures! So let’s talk about other ways to prep for the show season other than riding!
Here are my top 10 tips and if you have more please comment and let us know!
- Update all your membership applications. Start with your WPRHA membership first! Nobody likes the last-minute person at the show office window holding up the line! (You know who you are).
- Have your veterinary come out to update vaccinations and coggins before their busy season! It is much easier to get appointments now than March or April.
- Get your truck and trailer road ready. Remember your awning that broke at the last show? Why not get it fixed now? (maybe I am the only one with a broken awning).....
- Show attire, sort through what’s not trendy and what is and what may NOT fit… You know because you lost a bunch of weight over Christmas! Then find the next tack swap and sell a few old items to buy some nice new ones.
- Get yourself show ready. This way when you really start riding, you won’t come off your horse lame.
Great exercises are legs and ab’s for riding! YouTube is a great resource if you need ideas. - Set your goals. A goal could be showing for the first time, earning a 70 or winning the 2018 year-end award.
If you have a goal of winning a year end award make plans to attend 50% of the WPRHA shows! - Read the NRHA rule book. NRHA judge Ed Bricker will tell you this is a must!
- Obtain a sponsor for the 2018 WPRHA show year.
- Watch reining videos to learn more! Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
- Plan on helping at one WPRHA show because giving back is the best learning experience you will ever get.
Reach out to President Amy MacKrell if you would like to scribe, help in the office, drag the arena, announce at a show or run the gate.
Hope some of this made you laugh but more importantly I hope it made you realize there are other ways to prep for the shows and now is a great time to do these things prior to the spring rush!
Stay Warm,
If you have suggestions for blog articles please email me at [email protected] I love your feedback!